Months of the Year & Days of the Week
Dates have been used for a long time by humans for keeping track of the passage of time. They help us identify events, relate them and study the causes. In fact, several important facts about events of history are understood by the scientific study of the dates of their occurrence. In order to express the date, you should know the days of the week and the months of the year in French. All months, days of the week in French are masculine and are not write in capital letters unless they are used at the beginning of a sentence.
Days of the week ( Les jours de la semaine )
As in English french calendars also starts with Monday as the first day of the week and ends with Sunday . Given below the table of days with pronunciation .
French | Pronunciation | Day |
lundi | luhn-dee | Monday |
mardi | mahr-dee | Tuesday |
mercredi | mehr-cruh-dee | Wednesday |
jeudi | juh-dee | Thursday |
vendredi | vahn-druh-dee | Friday |
samedi | sahm-dee | Saturday |
dimanche | dee-mansh | Sunday |
Adding the article le before the day of the week indicates “every” plus the day.
Hier = yestesday
Aujourd’hui = today
Demain = tomorrow
Question 1 C’est quel jour aujourd’hui ?
Answer Aujourd’hui , c’est lundi .
Months (Les mois de l’année )
The French months are simple to remember; they all sound similar to their English versions.
French | Pronunciation | Month |
janvier | jahn-veeay | January |
février | fay-vreeay | February |
mars | mahrs | March |
avril | ah-vreel | April |
mai | may | May |
juin | jwehn | June |
juillet | jwee-ay | July |
août | ah-oot | August |
septembre | sep-tahm-br | September |
octobre | oc-toe-br | October |
novembre | no-vehm-br | November |
décembre | day-sehm-br | December |